Here’s a little piece Tommy Towery wrote to sing to the tune of “Let It Snow.”

Oh the klaxon horn is blowing

So, I’m off my ass and going

It doesn’t matter if it’s ten below

Off we go, off we go, off we go

I don’t hear any bombs a’dropping

And my unzipped boots are a’flopping

But we know we can’t be slow

Off we go, off we go, off we go

Well we played poker late last night

How I'll hate running out in the snow

And we know it’ll be a very long flight

But we know we have to launch and go

There’ll be many folks a’dying

But there’s no time for goodbyin'

So get strapped in down below

Off we go, off we go, off we go

Nuclear war is oh so frightful

Nothing about it is very delightful

But we’ll all have DFC’s to show

So, off we go, off we go, off we go

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